Racist or Awesome: HELA’s First Ever Reader Poll

Today’s topic: The Obama Chia Pet.

Recently the staff at HELA got into a debate over the propriety of this «special edition» Chia. Now in all fairness, the POTUS does keep his lettuce tight …but is celebrating that fact with a Chia Pet respectful or offensive?

I don’t know. Pretty much any Chia Pet homage is pretty awesome in my book. Hell, if I were Mike Brady, I’d be jonesing hard for my own Chia. It’s the sub-culture honorary equivalent of a Bobble Head. Just look at how sad Papa Brady looks. A perfect perm but no Chia.

However, some of my colegas disagree. Entonces…¿offensiva o no?… we need your input to reach consensus. Hence we proudly present the ObaChia as the topic for HELA’s first ever reader poll. Do it. It’ll only take a momentito.

Besos, Abrazos, y Muchas Gracias, – La Tripulación